Say Good Bye
With Advanced Gynecomastia Treatment @ Affordable Cost
Get a consultation for your gynecomastia problem @ just Rs.399/-.
Offer valid till 31-3-2022
Say Goodbye to Gynecomastia & 100% Assured Results – Best Gynecomastia (Man-Boobs) / Male Chest Reduction Treatment in Surat.
Dr Smart Clinic, Surat offers the best cost for Male Chest Reduction / Gynecomastia Treatment with best results & No Admission.

27 Years of Experience

Highly Qualified Doctor

Pain Free & Safe Procedure

Invisible / Minimum Scar

100% Satisfaction

More Than 10000+ Surgeries
Get a consultation for your gynecomastia problem @ just Rs.399/-..
Offer valid till 31-3-2022
Before / After Images

M.S.,M.CH.(Plastic Surgery)
Consultant Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon
Experience: 28+ Years
Dr. Atodaria, is a board certified cosmetic and plastic surgeon practicing in Surat since 1993. He is the most experienced cosmetic surgeon in south Gujarat. He has been trained in USA for cosmetic surgery. He is expert in female or male breast reduction surgery with latest techniques to give best results with minimum scar and that too without drains!! His patients has the highest satisfaction rate in terms of preservation of nipple areola sensation, scar and overall results at a very affordable cost. His clinic is the first choice of International cosmetic surgery patients from USA, UK, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Zambia, UAE, Mozambique, South Africa etc.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynaecomastia is growth of the organ tissue of the male bosom. It can occur in men of all ages from the onset of development to old age. Gynaecomastia must be recognized from pseudogynecomastia or lipomastia, which alludes to the vicinity of fat stores in the bosom zone of fat men. Gynaecomastia results from development of the glandular or bosom tissue, which is available in little sums in men. Gynaecomastia is the most widely recognized condition behind the therapeutic assessment of the male bosom.

Get a consultation for your gynecomastia problem @ just Rs.399/-.
Offer valid till 31-3-2022
Various reasons for Gynecomastia
- Intake of specific medications: steroids
- Sudden weight reduction
- Congenital disfigurement
Gynecomastia is brought on by transient changes due to imbalance in the body with development as a rule vanishes within six months to two years. Often, gynecomastia that created in pubescence holds on past two years and is alluded to as diligent pubertal gynecomastia.
The regular reason for Gynecomastia can be faulted for the misbalance and heftiness. It doesn’t simply damage the physical identity of the individual additionally leaves an enormous effect on the self-regard of a man. “Man boobs” is a common conceived term and consequently it gets to be discriminating for a man to look for an answer for this state of Gynecomastia.
There are few procedures to treat Gynecomastia which may include
Liposuction | Cutting of the granular tissue | A joined strategy
Get a consultation for your gynecomastia problem @ just Rs.399/-.
Offer valid till 31-3-2022
Results may vary depending on patient and commitment to treatment and medical procedure performed. Before and after surgery results are examples of patients only, and do not constitute an implied or any other kind of guarantee of the result of surgery or a non-surgical procedure. All surgical and non-surgical results are subject to the individualities of the patient and the normal variability of clinical procedure results.