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Mommy Makeover
The most pleasurable experience of life is of being mother, but it is associated with certain changes in the body affecting the physical appearance and certain function. Mommy makeover is a surgical procedure to restore the physical appearance and function of the body, and it is done by plastic surgeons.
Typically, the body parts affected are the breasts, the tummy, the genitalia, the buttocks, go out of shape.

Correct Candidate:
An adult female with positive outlook having realistic expectations, who has completed her family and is otherwise healthy with relatively stable weight is the best candidate for body lift procedure. In a non-smoker person complications rate is minimal. The person maintaining proper weight post-operatively and following doctors advice has longer-lasting results.
Patients should be ready with certain points that they would like to discuss with Dr Atodaria. These points include: Your desired shape of the body parts, corrections of sagging breast with or without augmentation, genital rejuvenation, discuss medical conditions, drug allergies and other medical treatments you are going through currently or in the past. Also inform the current medications you are taking and previous surgeries you have gone through. Dr. Atodaria will also evaluate your general health status and ask you to consult a physician. He will also take photographs, discuss the course of treatment and discuss the potential risks during and after the procedure.
The most common procedure is lower body lift combining abdominoplasty with breast lift.
The charges vary according to the number of procedures performed. Routinely it varies from Rs. 45,000 to 95,000. Anesthesia charges, lab charges, medicines, pressure garments charges are extra.
Anesthesia: Options of General Anesthesia, Spinal Anesthesia combined with Epidural Anesthesia. It depends upon the choice of the patient, general condition of patient and choice of an anesthetist.
Hospitalization: Generally, varies from 24 to 60 hours.
You will be discharged with the dressings and you will be asked to come for follow up visits as per the procedure/s performed on you. Bath is permitted between 3 to 6 days depending on the procedure/s. The swelling and bruising will subside in the coming weeks & you will get the final results of the shaped body.
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